Welcoming Communities
Library Mainil RoomThursdays Are you a newcomer to Canada? Would you like help getting settled, accessing services, learning skills, making connections in the community, or learning English? Sunshine Coast Welcoming Communities can help! Drop in to any session. For more information, call Olga at 604 – 212- 1938, email welcoming-communities@capilanou.ca, or visit www.welcoming-communities.ca If you require accessibility accommodations, please […]
Book Club
Library Mainil RoomProphet Song by Paul Lynch On a dark night in Dublin, Eilish Stack answers her door to find the secret police, who want to speak with her trade unionist husband. Caught in the nightmare logic of a collapsing society, and assailed by unpredictable forces beyond her control, she must do whatever it takes to keep her […]
Free Income Tax Clinics for Eligible Clients
Library Mainil RoomFridays 10:00 am - 4:00 pm by appointment March 1 through April 26 (no appointments Mar 29) Are you eligible for a free 30 minute income tax help appointment? Eligible income limits: Individual up to $45,000; Family up to $55,000 per couple, plus $2,500 for each additional dependent. Couples must provide complete tax information for both […]
Tech Help
Library PodDo you need assistance with : *using your smartphone or e-reader *accessing email *surfing the internet *posting to social media or other basic technology help... Call the library to make a 30 minute appointment. If your technology issue is beyond our scope, we are happy to refer you to other support resources in the community. […]
Scrabble Tournament
Library Mainil RoomJoin the fun at this free Scrabble tournament! Round-robin: everyone gets to play four 2-person games. Teens and adults, all levels welcome. Book prizes for all, and a grand prize of a book store gift certificate! Limited to 12 players; advance registration is required. Contact the Library to register or register below by March 14th. […]
Monday Morning Meditation
Library Mainil RoomMondays Using traditional Buddhist Dharma psychology to calm the mind and alleviate suffering, facilitator John Thompson will lead guided Dharma meditations for short and long term solutions, and discuss these modalities. No registration required, drop in to any session. No class on statutory holiday Mondays. If you require accessibility accommodations, please email outreach@gibsonslibrary.ca.
French Conversation Group
Library Mainil RoomMondays in-person only Do you wish you could practice your French with other friendly French language learners? Join our weekly French Conversation Group! No meetings on statutory holidays when the library is closed. If you require accessibility accommodations, please email outreach@gibsonslibrary.ca.
Knitting a Community
Library Mainil RoomDo you enjoy knitting and/or crocheting with others, and making useful items from donated yarn for local charities? Drop in to our weekly knitting group on Tuesday mornings. Knitters from beginners to experts are welcome. Host: Lynne Dyment Limited to 12 in-person participants, first-come first served. If you require accessibility accommodations, please email outreach@gibsonslibrary.ca.
Canceled Bridge Club
Library Mainil RoomEvery Tuesday starting January 9, 12:30 — 2:30 pm Do you enjoy playing the card game of Bridge? Or would you like to learn to play? Join our weekly group on Tuesday afternoons to play Chicago bridge (regular, not duplicate), starting Jan 9th. All levels are welcome, including beginners. Games start promptly at 12:30. Limited […]
Japanese Conversation
OnlineJapanese Conversation Group Are you curious about the Japanese language and culture? Join our weekly Japanese Conversation Group on Zoom. We meet every Tuesday from 1pm–2pm. All levels welcomed. Join us on Zoom here. Meeting ID: 938 2661 0670 Passcode: 705017