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The Library Locker at the GACC

Welcome to the Library Locker at the Gibsons & Area Community Centre (GACC) where you can not only pick up your library holds, but return your items as well!

When placing a hold on a library item, be sure to select GACC Locker as your Pickup Location. You’ll find it listed right under the Gibsons Public Library in the pull-down list of libraries when placing your hold. You can also simply type in GACC in the Pickup Location field to find it in the list of libraries.

When you get a notification that your item is ready for pick up, just follow the prompts on the locker screen. And don’t forget to bring your library card!

Watch our short instructional video and see how easy it is!

Happy reading!

Gibsons & Area Community Centre
700 Park Rd, Gibsons, BC V0N 1V0